Who am i?
Hey there! Name’s Viktor Palmén and I’m a Junior Game Programmer at Future Games Karlstad. Below you can see some of the stuff im proud of achieving! Hope you find me interesting and we create some cool stuff together in the future!
Track and Field Elite
I used to be a professional track and field athlete for KFIF (Karlskogas Friidrotts förbund) before becoming a programmer. My specialty was in 100m dash and long jump and I have taken part in SM competitions for both. I have also participated in Världsungdomsspelen for several years which is a well-known track and field youth tournament in Europe.
Swedish Marine
After graduating Studenten(Swedish Highschool Diploma) I enlisted myself in the Swedish military. I ended up in the Navy as a Amphibius corps soldier where i earned the olive green berret. Later in my service I started stydying as a Amphibius corps Technician at FMTS (Försvarsmaktens tekniska skola) where I was choosen to be the head lead of athlethe training for my unit.
At the end of my service I worked on Installing and repairing software for the Swedish CB90-class fast assault craft.